Co-operation between The BBL Association and The Trebnitz Castle Association
The co-operation between castle and the youth association arose from the shared goals and functions of both organisations. First and foremost, the extra-curricular training for young people in Brandenburg and Berlin plays an important role in emancipatory development as well as in furthering a sense of mutual understanding.
Both organisations are committed to these objectives. The B.B.L. e.V. was in need of an educational institution for sustainable co-operation for young people from rural areas and members of the association. At the same time, Trebnitz Castle Association, which already offers a range of political, cultural and professional trainings as part of its programme, is able to gain easier access to its main target group – young people in Brandenburg and Berlin. Furthermore, several formats that have been developed together can be orientated even more efficiently now towards the right target audience whilst presenting an even stronger lobby for rural areas.
The co-operation is currently working to prepare the organisation well for the challenges facing youth work in rural areas (e.g. demographic development, far-right extremism) by testing fomats, using the support of professional guidance in innovative participatory forms and by establishing these in the everyday working world.
The training of approx. 24 conflict managers and advisors within the association will support the work on-site in the long term. A documentation centre housed at Trebnitz Castle and a pool of team members will create a place that can support the association to enable it to move forward professionaly against undemocratic behaviour of all kinds.
This way to the BBL e.V. website
More information on the Centre for Participation and Mediation in Rural Areas
Susen Hollmig
Tel: 033477 519-18
Fax: 033477 519-15
Supported by the Federal Ministry of the Interior as part of the governmental ‘Zusammenhalt durch Teilhabe’ (Cohesion through Participation) programme.