A Place For Art

In recent years, Trebnitz Castle has become more and more of a place for art. Visitors can look at various works in the castle and the surrounding area. The emerging Gustav Seitz Centre is dedicated to the legacy of Gustav Seitz but also to contemporary and sculptural art.

Works of Art
The recent artists’ Pleinairs have produced numerous works which can now be viewed. You will find further information on the works of art and the artists in the respective Pleinair catalogues.

Pleinair 2014


More than 100 artists applied to take part in the two-week Pleinair on the subject of the human figure in sculpture. The co-operation with the Gustav Seitz Foundation and the awarding of the Gustav Seitz Prize provided a close contextual point of reference to the well-known German 20th century sculptor. Afterwards, the works were presented in an exhibition entitled „Who is afraid of figurative sculpture?“
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Pleinair 2012

Pleinair_2012_02OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPleinair_2012_03

When the Old Forge was converted, a sculpture symposium on the subject of “Eastern Train” was announced, and a jury chose eight artists for participation. Works from various disciplines were created: photography, painting, sculpture, design and conceptional-performative art. Apart from creating their works, the artists led creative workshops for German and Polish youths.
Catalogue >>

Gustav Seitz Centre


The focus of future activities of a Gustav Seitz Centre is guided by the legacy of Gustav Seitz as well as research of his works. Moreover, there are plans for a centre for contemporary sculpture which is to attract an expert audience as well as residents from the immediate vicinity as well as from further afield.
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