Centre for Participation and Mediation in the rural region

As educational establishments, the Berlin-Brandenburg Rural Youth Association and the Trebnitz Castle Association have initiated a further education centre in Trebnitz for the association’s full-time and voluntary members of staff.

Our goal is to strengthen the participation structure not only within the association itself, but also in its areas of action – and to do so with lasting effect. That the association tests out and professionally guides innovative forms of participation and how best to incorporate them in everyday life will provide its full-time and voluntary staff members with the tools they need to face the challenges that can arise in the field of rural youth work (incl. demographic development and far-right extremism).

Evaluating the projects in a practical way brings about concrete, specific criteria tailored around the needs of Brandenburg’s rural young people and improves the work of the association significantly.

Providing thorough training to approx. 24 conflict managers and participation advisors within the association ensures that the work on-site is continuously supported and modernised. A documentation centre located at Trebnitz Castle and a pool of approx. 12 participation advisors and counsellors demonstrates a lasting connection between the association and its educational institution and creates a space that can support the association in its work to take professional action against undemocratic behaviour, even beyond the duration of the project.

Susen Hollmig
Schloß Trebnitz Bildungs- und Begegnungszentrum e.V.
Platz der Jugend 6
15374 Müncheberg OT Trebnitz
Tel: 033477 519-18
Fax: 033477 519-15

Supporters and partners


Supported by the Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern) within the scope of the ‘Community through Participation’ (Zusammenhalt durch Teilhabe) programme.
